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 Thank you for trusting and choosing This Privacy Policy is developed under relevant laws and regulations according to Australia. We strongly recommend that the customer (hereinafter “User”) carefully reads all the clauses of this Policy, especially ones regarding the critical interest, disclaimers, applicable laws, and dispute resolutions. To usethe services, oneneeds to comply with the following terms and conditions that are written in this Privacy Policy.


What is the privacy policy?

The privacy policy is a thorough explanation of how one plans to use any personal information that one collects through mobile apps or websites. These policies are sometimes called privacy statements or privacy notices. They serve as legal documents meant to protect both companies and consumers.

  • The term ‘Privacy Policy’ represents the same meaning and interpretation when itappears on the website.
  • Account: Refers to the account legally registered by Nurishopping.
  • Website:, has an official website.
  • Cookies: Small text files that are placed on the PC, mobile device, or any other device, containing a detailed history of your browsing on the website and other information.
  • Device: can be accessed by any kind of device like a mobile phone, PC, or other device.
  • User Information: The information needed to register on, browse website, or use Services, and the data generated during such processes.
  • Usage Data: The data is automatically collected when browsing the website or generated while using the service.
  • Third Party Service Provider: Any natural person, legal person, or unincorporated organization other than that provides services or software, or sells goods.
  • Partner: Carriers (such as DHL), third-party payment processors (PayPal, Stripe, and Payoneer, any kind of debit or credit card), Shopify, WooCommerce, Shipstation, Shopmaster, Lazada, and Shopee.
  • Essential Information: Certain information is required for our services. If one chooses not to provide information, the service that is provided to the customer will be affected.
  • Non-essential Information: Informationthatsomeone gives us. One can choose not to provide such information as our service provided to the customer will not be affected.



Customer privacy is very important for is committed to protecting the privacy of customer’s personal information. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how we collect, use, and disclose information about our customers, team members, suppliers (and their employees), and people who apply for employment with us. It also explains how to contact us if anyone has any questions about the management of the personal information or would like to access the personal information. This Policy describes how we comply with our obligations under the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


Our approach to handling data

At Nurishopping, we collect and use data, including personal information, for a range of reasons. In handling data, we will comply with all relevant laws, but we also want to ensure that we meet the following expectations:

  • Improve the customer experience - We will use customer data responsibly to improve the customer experience and deliver more relevant products, services, and offers
  • Be transparent - We will clearly explain how we collect and use customer data
  • Make it simple and easy - We will minimize disruption to the customer shopping experience by making it simple and easy to provide consent.
  • Provide control to the customer - We will respect the customer's privacy by providing control over how customers can be contacted.


We respect and protect the privacy rights of all internet users. We will use and disclose customer information according to this Privacy Policy to provide more accurate and personalized services. Meanwhile, we will handle such information meticulously and responsibly. Unless otherwise specified in the Privacy Policy, we will not disclose such information to the public or any third party without customer consent. When customers agree and acknowledge that we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time at our sole discretion. They accept that this Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Nurishopping user agreement.They're deemed to comply with this Privacy Policy when they agree to our User Agreement.


What Information Does Nurishopping Collect

Certain information is required for our service. If someone chooses to accept our service, we should be provided with or authorized to collect 9 types of Essential Information including:

  • Identification information, such as name, address, and phone number.
  • Payment information
  • Location information. 
  • Comments and emails to us. 
  • Personal description and photograph in profile.
  • Information and documents regarding identity, including Social Security and driver's license numbers. 
  • Corporate and financial information.
  • Device log files and configurations, including Wi-Fi credentials.

Non-essential Information, including the information customers give us, information that they choose not to provide, automatic information, and information from other sources. Such information is not mandatory but can help us to improve our services and develop products. One can choose not to provide such information as our service provided to someone will not be affected.


Information thatthe Customer generally Gives Us:

We receive and store any information that customers provide about Nurishopping Services, which includes information required during registration (excluding disclosed information of the corporate name and relevant business registration required by applicable law):


  • Identification information such as name, address, and phone number.
  • Payment information.
  • Location information.
  • Name, addresses, and phone numbers listed in Addresses.


Information that one can choose not to provide:


  • Comments and emails to us.
  • Personal description and photograph in profile.
  • Information and documents regarding identity, including Social Security and driver's license numbers.
  • Corporate and financial information.
  • Device log files and configurations, including Wi-Fi credentials.
  • One can choose not to provide such information but then one might not take advantage of Nurishopping Services.


What Information Can Someone Access?

One can access his or her information, including his or her name, address, payment options, profile information, Prime membership, and purchase history in the "Your Account" section of the website. Click here for a list of examples that one can access.


What Choices Does Someone Have?

If anyone has any questions as to how we collect and use personal information, please contact our Customer Service. Many of our Nurishopping Services also include settings that provide options as to how the information is being used.

As described above, one can choose not to provide certain information, but then one might not be able to take advantage of many of theNurishopping Services.

One can add or update certain information on pages such as that referenced information someonecan access. When one updates his or her information, we usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records.

One can manage the types of communications that they receive from us, and opt out of certain communications, by adjusting to Customer Communication Preferences. One’s consent to receive communications by these preferences is important. If anyone does not want to receive in-app notifications from us please adjust the notification settings in the app or device.

If one does not want to see interest-based ads, please adjust his or her Advertising Preferences.

The Help feature on most browsers and devices will tell someone how to prevent the browser or device from accepting new cookies or other identifiers, how to have the browser notify when someone receives a new cookie, or how to block cookies altogether. Because cookies and identifiers allow someone to take advantage of some essential features of Nurishopping Services, we recommend that one leaves them turned on. For instance, if someoneblocks or otherwise rejects our cookies, one will not be able to add items to the Shopping Cart, proceed to Checkout, or use any Services that require signing in.

If one wants to browse our websites without linking the browsing history to one’s account, he or she may do so by logging out of his or her account and blocking cookies on the browser.


Contacts, Notices, and Revisions

If someone has any concerns about privacy at, please contact us with a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Notice will change too. One should check our website frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.


How someoneprovide information to us when theyuse Services?

  • search or shop for products or services in our stores;
  • add or remove an item from the cart; place an order through or use Nurishopping Services;
  • download, stream, view, or use content on a device, or through a service or application on a device;
  • provide information in the Account (and might have more than one if they have used more than one e-mail address or mobile number when shopping with us.) or the Profile;
  • Upload contacts; configure and settings on, provide data access permissions for, or interact with a Nurishopping service;
  • provide information in the Seller Account, Developer account, or any other account we make available that allowsto develop or offer software, goods, or services to Nurishopping customers;
  • offer products or services on or through Nurishopping Services;
  • communicate with us by phone, e-mail, or otherwise;
  • provide and rate Reviews;
  • employ Product Availability Alerts, such as Available Order Notifications.


As a result of those actions, one might supply us with such information as:

  • Identifying information such as name, address, and phone numbers;
  • Payment information;
  • Age;
  • Location information;
  • IP address;
  • People, addresses, and phone numbers listed in Addresses
  • E-mail addresses of friends and other people;
  • Content of reviews and e-mails to us;
  • Personal description and photograph in Profile;
  • Images and videos collected or stored in connection with Nurishopping Services
  • Information and documents regarding identity, including Social Security and driver’s license numbers;
  • Corporate and financial information;
  • Credit history information; and
  • Device log files and configurations, including Wi-Fi credentials, if one chooses to automatically synchronize them with other Nurishopping devices.


Automatic Information

Examples of the information we collect and analyze include:

  • The Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect with computer to the Internet;
  • Login, e-mail address, and password;
  • The location of the device or computer;
  • Content interaction information; such as content downloads, streams, and playback details, including duration and number of simultaneous streams and downloads, and network details for streaming and download quality, including information about the internet service provider;
  • Device metrics such as when a device is in use, application usage, connectivity data, and any errors or event failures;
  • Nurishopping Services metrics (e.g., the occurrences of technical errors, the interactions with service features and content,settings preferences and backup information, location of the device running an application, information about uploaded images and files such as the file name, dates, times and location of images);
  • version, and time zone settings,
  • purchase and content use history, which we sometimes aggregate with similar information from other customers to create features like;
  • the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream to,and from our websites, including date and time; products and content viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, and page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs);
  • phone numbers used to call our customer service number;

We may also use device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies on devices, applications, and our web pages to collect browsing, usage, or other technical information.


Information from Other Sources (Examples) of information we receive from other sources include:

  • Updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records and deliver our next purchase or communication more easily;
  • Account information, purchase or redemption information, and page-viewinformation from some merchants with which we operate co-branded businesses or for which we provide technical, fulfillment, advertising, or other services;
  • Information about our interactions with products and services offered by our affiliates;
  • Search results and links, including paid listings (such as Sponsored Links);
  • Information about internet-connected devices and services linked with Nurishopping; and
  • Credit history information from credit bureaus, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud and to offer certain credit or financial services to some customers.


Examples of information onecan access through Nurishopping Services include:

  • Status of recent orders (including subscriptions)


  • Complete order history;


  • Personally, identifiable information (including name, e-mail, password, and address book);


  • Payment settings (including payment card information, promotional certificate and gift card balances, and 1-Click settings);


  • E-mail notification settings (including Product Availability Alerts, Delivers, Special Occasion Reminders and newsletters);


  • Recommendations and the products one recently viewed that are the basis for recommendations (including Recommended for someone and Improve someone’s Recommendations);


  • Shopping lists and gift registries;


  • Content, devices, services and related settings, and communications and personalized advertising preferences;


  • Content that someone recently viewed;


  • Profile (including product Reviews, Recommendations, Reminders, and personal profile);



  • If someone is a developer participating in our Developer Services Program one can access the account and other information, and can adjust the communications preferences, by updating accounts in the Developer Services Portal.


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